Ben is the slick-talking marketing guy. He can sell ice to an Eskimo in the middle of the winter. With his perfected hair and briefcase of swagger, he convinces everyone he runs into that his outrageous marketing schemes will make them an overnight success. I can still recall the afternoon he said “Special Guest Conversation” and convinced the local bakery to rename their cinnamon buns ‘Calorie-Free Cloud Bites’. By the end of the day, people stood in line, thinking that buying a ‘Cloud Bite’ was how one found ‘a tip that aids in a sugar-free life’, as Ben said over the loudspeaker. It’s just Ben doing his best. His outlandish tactics of persuasion! His ability to make any idea sound like a golden calf! His cleverly competitive banter! His rebranding of the grocery store’s most common items into what he proclaims as ‘essentials for life’.