Kevin is the old soul of the bunch, though he’s only 23. This young man has stories and an incredible ability to comment on the world. A classic novel reader, he’s often found on his porch during the leisurely hours of summer. His neighbourhood comrades love talking politics and world affairs with him, and yet it’s hilarious to watch them eye each other awkwardly when remembering Kevin, a guy four decades their junior, casually dispensing sage advice and dating anecdotes like nobody’s business. Fourth fun fact: Kevin uses an old-school flip phone, a fact that has definitely not curried him any favours among his tech-savvy neighbours. With a mischievous smile, he once said to me, "I love how useless this thing is. At least my life isn’t as complicated as your phone, man. My life just needs some silence every now and again." Can you imagine that simplicity philosophy thing applying to smartphones?