Home Novel Cinta The Sphere (Author : Kid Haider)
Chap 25
Chapter 25 : Urban Escape

"Hi Marina..." Gina who had just got home from work went straight to me in the living room.

"Hi..." replied me, sounded like I had seen better days.

"Hmm...you sound just like when you do the intermittent fasting. Are you? Or is anything disturbs my lovely roommate's chakra this time? Tell me."

"I have to spend all weekend with the Urban Fruits, this week."

"Oh so you are going to Kuala Pilah with them eventually? Congrats Marina! Congrats!" said Gina laughing her heart out.

"There goes my long weekend off! three days all right! That's so precious!"

"Why are you just following along, then? Just tell them you have got things to do this weekend," Gina suggested the escape plan.

"It's not that easy, Gina. I have promised them since in Singapore. I don't even know why I said yes to their plan, just like that. I wasn't thinking straight, obviously."

"Well it's going to be okay. I mean how bad can it be, right? I'm sure you are going to have fun," Gina trying to sugarcoat things up, when her face was obviously holding a laugh.

"Yeah right...so fun!" I rolled my eyes on her.

When in Singapore before this, Miss B suggested to me and the rest of the Urban Fruits that we went for a short holiday in her village in Kuala Pilah. To me, that sounded less than interesting and the environment was nothing new but rows and rows of rubber trees. But for Miss D and Miss R who were rarely be in that kind of environment, they seemed very ecstatic.

After we got back from the Lion City, I was kind of praying that they would forget the plan eventually due to our hectic work schedules. However, during one calm, cold morning, Miss B showed up in the office and suddenly talked about the 'Kuala Pilah trip' idea again. In an instant, I knew it that God had turned down my prayer.

"That's a good idea, Miss B..." I said to her after she was so excitingly reminded us the idea again-to take us all to her family's country home in Kuala Pilah.

"Now that's great! We'll depart this Saturday, all right? And it's going to be a long weekend because it's public holiday on Monday. I just can't wait to take you guys to my family's tradition house! The timing could not be more perfect because we are also celebrating my nephew's 'cutting' ceremony. You know what I meant..."

'Tradition house?' I asked myself. To be honest I was not really getting it when Miss B mentioned about the 'tradition house'. Was it the same as a 'mother's house'? Or is it a place where they keep old relics in which it looked more like a museum? I could not imagine just how they were going to do the celebration there.

"But don't you worry. The crowds will only be the closest family members and relatives," added Miss B. She probably could see something on my face. A fear.

To be frank I was not at all in any fear or worries. I was just puzzling as to why Miss B was really working on it to make us join her to go back to the tradition house, and it was all just for a circumcision ceremony? 'Hmm...something feels so weird. Maybe she was actually did not want to be there, and so she invited us there so she would not get so bored?' I assumed.

"That sounds like fun! I can't wait till Saturday!" shouted Miss R in all excitement, as was Miss D.

For the whole day, their conversations revolved around that coming weekend. The village life, country houses and so many more, even on circumcision!

'Urgh..It's going to be fun they said? Are they nuts? I hope there won't be a monkey or a lutung coming for you later and take one of you away, since you all are 'fruits' by the way.' I spoke to myself.

"I bet there will be a river, right?" asked Miss D.

"Oh yes yes!" Miss B nodded.

"What about a well?" Miss R asked, this time.

"Yes Yes!" Miss B nodded again.

"I can't wait to run the cold, pure well water onto my pure body in the morning and soak myself in the river in the evening," said Miss D pretending like a showering princess who had not seen water for days.

I just smiled at them, nodding my head like I was excited to plunge into the river and freeze myself with the well water too. In my heart, I reminded myself to go with enough blood supply because I was pretty sure that we would be a feast for the Kuala Pilah's mosquitoes.

'You are so cruel Miss B! So cruel! How could you not tell these clueless victims the real situation when we get there later!' my heart screamed.

"Hold on, is Daniel going together with you guys?" asked Gina.

"I wish! It will be much better if he does..."

"Invite him! Come on!" Gina slapped me with a pillow.

"I did. But he said he has something to do around that time.'

"What about Eddie?"

"Oh no way! I don't want him to get a wrong idea about the invitation all right. Mmm...why not just...YOU go with me?"

"That's not possible Marina...No no no...no way! I already have a plan with..."

Gina did not finish her line.

"With whom?"

"Someone. A secret someone."

"Oh come on now! Since when do we keep a secret with each other!?"

"Since you been a polygamist," Gina laughed out loud.

"What the hell?"

"Oh stop playing innocent, Marina..." teased Gina.

"Ugh...I'll be crazy talking to you all day long! Move! I better be packing."

I sat in front of the vanity to get rid of my make up. In my head, I could not stop thinking about the weekend I would be spending in the tradition house soon. I believed it would be one hell of a boring weekend because what was interesting about a circumcision celebration? And who got excited over a smelly, cold well water? I could imagine all these mosquitoes in Kuala Lumpur were already making their way to Kuala Pilah because they had got a signal from there that some fresh, juicy, humongous 'fruits' were coming this weekend. Oh no!

Well...maybe I was just being dramatic. I quickly told myself then that it was not going to be as bad as I imagined. I urged myself to be as positive as I could.

"Maybe this is the time for you to completely forget about Norman. Yes! Maybe it would be the place where you would finally put Norman to rest forever, metaphorically speaking. Or maybe Miss B is actually taking you to meet some shamans who can delete Norman away from your head in a blink of an eye! Or give you some kind of 'forgetting potion' like Hang Tuah gave to Tun Teja? Or maybe you will slip off the wet, slippery jungle and fall into the river and pass out for a couple days. And you can't remember a shit about your past and you take that opportunity to start a new life? Or...it might be that you will meet someone new there and fall in love? A dark skinned, muscular, veiny hands, long haired kampung man. You'll get engaged in two months and get married a year after that. Two years in, you welcome the first child and there you are raising that sweet little baby in the farm with your husband. Every evening you will be there in the courtyard loyally and patiently waiting for your husband to get home from the jungle foraging herbal roots and fresh, wild produces. And you live happily ever after!" I talked to myself in the mirror.

"Marina!" A very loud voice of Gina interrupted my epic academy award winning love storyline telling session. I clumsily opened the door, thinking there was any emergency.

"Oh my God! What on earth are you up to? I broke my fingers from knocking on the door..." she toned down a little bit, but I could see a little anger on her face.

"Nothing! I was just...ummm...nothing!"

"I see...you were day dreaming! Which level of the clouds have you got into?" Gina laughed. I just looked at her with a square face.

"Take this...and wear it there in Kuala Pilah. I know you will looked stunning in it, trust me..." Gina handed me  a beautiful kebaya.

"All right Gina...thank you!"

"No worries girlfriend."


The day long awaited by the Urban Fruits was finally here. After spending quite some times on packing, I eventually managed to cut down some of the clothes for Kuala Pilah, from a solid two bags to only one bag and a half.

"Here you are, Marina..." said Miss B as soon as I got to the promised departing spot.

"Miss R, why not you be my travel buddy! Hop on!" I offered Miss R to go with my car.

"All right Marina!" Miss R dragged her rolling bag. Judging from the rollers, I knew it was very heavy.

'What on earth is in that bag? Maybe some past years' issues of Hey magazines, for the circumcised boy to kill time?' my heart laughed.

"ARE YOU READY GIRLS???" shouted Miss B.

"We are ready!!!" shouted back everyone in the cars, including Miss R on my side.


© Kid Haider


© KidHaider


© Mohamad Khidir Bin Mohamed Yazir

© Mohamad Khidir Mohamed Yazir

© Khidir Bin Mohamed Yazir 

© Khidir Mohamed Yazir 

© Khidir M. Yazir

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