Home Novel Cinta The Sphere (Author : Kid Haider)
Chap 17
Chapter 17 : Shot

Ever since I could remember I have been having this habit or tendency to eat a lot every time I am under stress or anxiety. Well, that was exactly what I was doing, as I was having breakfast alone in front of the Capital Square on one bright Tuesday.

On my way from Masjid Jamek to Capital Square, I stopped by at some hawkers on the side of the road and got myself Nasi Lemak, fried Bihun, and some local deserts. Slowly, one after one of the food got into my mouth and the fuller my belly was, the better I was feeling. The anxiety that I had been having since the night before were slowly going away. I felt more calm and energetic.

I tried to pen down what I had in my mind onto a paper. I was actually trying to expect what would be asked to me at the Hey magazine's office later.

A few days prior to that, I received a call to attend an interview session. According to Chan, the woman with whom I had spoken to, the editorial department of the Hey magazine was looking for an office girl to help them there. I felt like that was something I wanted to try, and so we proceeded with an appointment for the interview session later at the Terry Lee Publication.

-Good Luck Marina-


Out of the blue I received a text from Harry. I stopped chewing. The nervousness that I had before, came back to me. I took a deep breath, hoping that it would bring back the comfort that all these food gave me.

To be honest, Harry was the mastermind behind my path towards that company. He denied it, but I know if it wasn't for  his recommendation to the Hey magazine's head of operation, all of that might not happen.

Just as the Kuala Lumpur Book Festival brought down its curtain at the PWTC, Harry called and asked me to prepare a journal about that event.

"Just write down what do you think about the event. That's it!" asked Harry.

"What is it for?"

"Every activity involving Hey will be journaled and archived. For that event, Daniel needs one and he believes it only you who can  do it because you were there throughout the festival. Hey really needs it from you. Can you do it please Marina?"

"Okay! I'll try. But don't blame me if what I do is below than your expectation, all right?"

"Oh of course not! We are the one asking you a favour," said Harry.

I might looked reluctant to him, but in my heart I was actually so excited with having to do the journal. How could I refuse Hey magazine's editor in chief's request? In my head, I knew Daniel's request was something that I should not let go. It was actually an opportunity for me to show my capability. Who knew, they might love it and offer me for a part time job with Hey. I started to fantasize about being one of the monthly article contributors for the magazine. And so I made the journal the best it could be. For me, had nothing coming out of it, I would not regret anything in the future. At least I tried.

Two weeks gone by, and I had not heard anything about the journal from Harry since the day I passed it to him. We did bumped into each other here and there, but we just went for a short chat before we went about our own business and I have not got an opportunity to ask about the journal. All we talked was about how busy his schedule was, until I received a call from Chan about the position offering. Right after that I texted him;

          Me : Chan from Hey called me just now. She  wanted  me to attend an interview as an office  girl. Did you propose me to them?

          Harry : No I did not. You don't like it?

          Me: I like it! Did it have anything to do with  the  short journal?

          Harry : I have no idea about it Marina. Daniel  never mentioned anything about it to  me at  all. But  I really think you must go, all  right? I  think this is a very good opportunity  for  you. We can also work together later.

          Me : All right. I will! Thank you very much Harry.

"I know you will score the job Marina! You will be an editor in just a matter of time!" said Gina right after I told her about the incoming interview when I met her at Dr. Love.

"Oh girl. Save it! Nothing happened yet! It's just an interview anyway not a duty report. And it's for an office girl posting at that."

"Well still, it's an important position and mind you girl, this is Hey magazine we are talking about! It's not just some other magazine all right! You are obviously up to a good start!" said Ally.

As I got to the Terry Lee Publication, I sat there facing the first and second assistant to the editor in chief of the magazine - Cindy and Susan. Body straightened up, I leaned against the chair that was perfectly supporting my posture. My eyes were all around like an eagle, looking for Daniel. I wondered where the infamous editor in chief was. However, the ladies told me that they were the one who would conduct the interview session, as Daniel was not available.

' Oh no...I thought he's the one who's going to interview me,' I said that to myself. And me being me, I couldn't help myself not to speculate as to why he was not in here.

'Hmmm...Maybe he's not well? Or interviewing people is just not his cup of tea? Or what if he's actually in the next room right now? Where he can monitor this whole scene like what I watched in the Style by Jury show?

Cindy and Susan came back to the desk after leaving me there for a hot few minutes. 'Stop it Marina! Stop it! Calm down...' I reminded myself. I knew I should stop speculating and asking all these silly question to myself and all I should do was to focus on what was in front of me.

Since the beginning of the interview, I could tell Susan and Cindy were being quite laidback and easy on me. Before things got a little bit more serious with all work related questions, we talked about just general stuffs, like sugar and petrol's market price, about the increasing hot weather of Kuala Lumpur and such. To be honest it did combat my nervousness deep down in my system. Hey magazine was all about the Kuala Lumpur lifestyle and hence the topics were all around it. To be frank, I did not expect this interview would be this casual. It was nothing like I imagined where I would be tested with tough question to examine my character which from there they would be able to conclude my mental health level. And I would be in a sea of my own sweat answering all the questions.

But the topics did not end just there. When being asked about my work experience, I could not help myself from sharing about Zara Murad and what had happened at the La Nona. They were both obviously quite shocked with my revelation as they did not expect it that I was one of the people behind the dramas involving La Nona, few months back. When I was asked about how it felt like to be working with one of 'the meanest in the Klang Valley', I told them that I actually liked the challenges, although it did not end up the way I expected it to be. Well, that was actually a safe answer as Gina had always reminded me that I should not be too critical on Zara Murad if I were being asked about her in any interviews or conversations.

Other than that, questions about my future life planning and also the possibility of me leaving the company within six months were also being discussed. The later made me quite reluctant frankly but I chose to be honest and  I said "Yes". But not without adding "If I receive a much better offer, then why not?" I replied jokingly but also carefully. That made Susan and Cindy looking at each other and smiled.

After the interview session reached its end, I could not restrain myself from touring around the whole Terry Lee Publication office which to me sounded very quiet. That silence was not because there was nobody inside, but due to the fact that every one was just too busy and so focused with their works. Looking at that kind of situation, I asked myself- 'Do I want to be here, if i got accepted?'

That question put me on pause for awhile. Now I tried to recall the stories of my past and of all the people who had been there earlier than me. This might not be what I wanted for myself all this while, but who knows it could be something I needed. Well I was never really clear with my life direction before this anyway. Maybe I should change my perspectives on career and life, in general. I should not be afraid to restart. And Terry Lee and Hey seemed like a great place to do just that. It would be such a lost if I turned down  this opportunity. I know at that point I was still very much unclear with just how this chance would change my life around so much in the future, but I had a good feeling about this one. Hey Magazine was like giving me the opportunity  to share something with people out there and bringing smiles to the thousands and thousands of its readers. At that moment, all I knew was- I had to get ready! For a new dawn!

Previous: Chap 16
Next: Chap 18

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