Home Buku Komedi/Romantik Komedi Tales of the Jazz Age (Kid Haider's Adaptation)
Tales of the Jazz Age (Kid Haider's Adaptation)
Kid Haider
17/6/2024 14:35:10
Kategori: Buku
Genre: Komedi/Romantik Komedi

Tale 2: The Camel's Back (Part IV)

Adapted by Khidir Mohamed Yazir (Kid Haider)




This beautiful paradise with a fragile foundation was suddenly interrupted by the bustling sounds of people entering the ballroom; the cotillion was about to begin. Betty and the camel joined the crowd, her hand resting lightly on his shoulder, showing everyone that she fully accepted him.

As they walked in, they saw couples already seated at tables along the walls. Mrs. Townsend, looking like a super rider with rather round calves, was in the centre with the ringmaster in charge of the event. When the band signalled, everyone got up to dance.

"Isn't this just amazing?" Betty sighed. "Do you think you can dance?"

Perry nodded enthusiastically. He felt a sudden burst of energy. He was here incognito, talking to his love - he could just wink at the world.

So Perry danced the cotillion. Well, I say danced, but that's really stretching it. He let his partner guide him around the floor, his huge head hanging over her shoulder as he awkwardly moved his feet. His hind legs seemed to have a mind of their own, hopping from one foot to the other whenever the music played. It was a sight to see - the front of the camel standing still while the back kept moving energetically, enough to make anyone watching break a sweat.

He was always a favourite at the party. He started off dancing with a tall lady dressed as a bale of hay, jokingly telling him not to eat her. "I'd like to; you're so sweet," the camel replied charmingly. Every time the ringmaster called out "Men up!" he would rush towards Betty with a cardboard wienerwurst or a photo of the bearded lady, trying to win her favor. Sometimes he made it to her first, but most of the time he failed, leading to some intense internal arguments.

"Perry, for heaven's sake," he would mutter through clenched teeth, "pick up the pace! I could have gotten her that time if you had moved faster."

"Well, give me a heads up next time!"

"I did, darn it."

"I can't see a thing in here!"

"Just follow me; it's like dragging a load of sand around to walk with you."

"Maybe you should try walking backwards."

"Shut up! If these people caught you in here, they'd give you a beating. They'd take away your taxi license!"

Perry was surprised at how easily he made such a threat, but it seemed to quiet his companion down. The ringmaster climbed on top of the piano and called for everyone's attention.

"Prizes!" he shouted. "Come closer!"

Excitedly, the crowd gathered around. The girl dressed as a bearded lady hoped for a reward for her bold costume choice, while the man with painted tattoo marks blushed at the thought of winning a prize.

Ladies and gentlemen of the circus, the ringmaster exclaimed cheerfully, I think we can all agree that we've had a great time tonight. It's now time to give out some well-deserved prizes. Mrs. Townsend has asked me to announce the winners. So, fellow performers, the first prize is for the lady who had the most stunning, unique costume tonight. The bearded lady let out a sigh, and the bale of hay perked up. I'm sure we all agree that Miss Betty Medill, the lovely Egyptian snake-charmer, is the deserving winner. The audience erupted in applause as she accepted her bouquet of orchids.

Moving on, the next prize is for the man with the most entertaining costume. This one goes to a special guest, the noble camel who has entertained us all evening with his hungry look and impressive dancing. The crowd cheered loudly, showing their approval of the choice. The prize, a box of cigars, was set aside for the camel, as he couldn't accept it himself.

"And now," announced the ringmaster, "we will conclude the cotillion with the marriage of Mirth to Folly! For the grand wedding march, we have the beautiful snake-charmer and the noble camel leading the way!"

Betty happily skipped forward and wrapped her arm around the camel's neck. Behind them, a procession formed with a mix of characters, from little boys and girls to sword-swallowers and wild men of Borneo. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and happiness, as everyone was dazzled by the lights and colors around them.

The wedding march began with a unique blend of music from the trombones and saxophones. Betty turned to the camel and asked, "Aren't you glad, camel? Aren't you glad we're getting married and you'll belong to the nice snake-charmer forever?"

The camel pranced with joy, and voices in the crowd called out for a minister to officiate the wedding. Jumbo, a waiter from the Tally-ho Club, was chosen and quickly transformed into a clergyman for the occasion.

As Jumbo stood at the head of the ball, the parade split into two lines to create an aisle for the bride and groom. Jumbo, holding a battered Bible, exclaimed, 

"Lawdy, man," roared Jumbo, "Ah got an old Bible and everything, sure enough." He proudly produced a battered Bible from an interior pocket. "Yea! Jumbo's got a Bible! Razor, too, I'll bet!"

Together, the snake-charmer and the camel ascended the cheering aisle and stopped in front of Jumbo. "Where's your license, camel?" Jumbo demanded.

A man nearby prodded Perry. "Give him a piece of paper. Anything will do."

Perry fumbled confusedly in his pocket, found a folded paper, and pushed it out through the camel's mouth. Holding it upside down, Jumbo pretended to scan it earnestly. "This here's a special camel's license," he said. "Get your ring ready, camel."

Inside the camel, Perry turned around and addressed his partner. "Give me a ring, for Heaven's sake!"

"I ain't got none," protested a weary voice.

"You have. I saw it."

"I ain't going to take it off my hand."

"If you don't, I'll kill you."

There was a gasp, and Perry felt a huge rhinestone and brass ring inserted into his hand. Again, he was nudged from the outside. "Speak up!"

"I do!" cried Perry quickly. He heard Betty's responses given in a debonair tone, and even in this burlesque, the sound thrilled him.

Then he pushed the rhinestone through a tear in the camel's coat and slipped it on her finger, muttering ancient and historic words after Jumbo. He didn't want anyone to know about this ever. His one idea was to slip away without having to disclose his identity, for Mr. Tate had so far kept his secret well. A dignified young man, Perry—and this might injure his infant law practice.

"Embrace the bride! Unmask, camel, and her!"

As Betty playfully tapped the cardboard muzzle, Perry's heart raced with excitement. He struggled to maintain his composure, fighting the urge to embrace her and reveal his true feelings. But just as the laughter and applause faded, a strange silence fell over the room. Perry and Betty looked up in confusion, only to see Jumbo holding a marriage license upside down and exclaiming in disbelief.

Jumbo announced that the license belonged to Betty and Perry, causing a stir among the crowd. Betty's eyes flashed with anger as she turned to Perry for an explanation. Perry, feeling the heat of embarrassment, remained silent as all eyes turned to him.

Jumbo, a minister at the First Colored Baptist Church, demanded answers from Perry. The crowd grew tense as they awaited a response. Perry's cardboard face betrayed no emotion as he faced the accusing camel.

Jumbo urged Perry to speak up, emphasising the seriousness of the situation. It seemed that, according to Jumbo, Perry and Betty had accidentally gotten married.



Previous: Tale2P3
Next: Tale2P5

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