Home Buku Kisah Hidup Just for the Record (Author : Kid Haidér)
Just for the Record (Author : Kid Haidér)
Kid Haider
18/6/2024 11:44:50
Kategori: Buku
Genre: Kisah Hidup
Tale 2


The air inside the office felt thick with anticipation. Aaron, a 25-year-old with a mop of unruly brown hair and eyes that crinkled at the corners when he smiled, fidgeted with the worn leather strap of his backpack. He'd always felt a little out of place in these sterile environments, a stark contrast to the vibrant, bustling scene of Bangsar, where he usually found himself.

This interview, for a marketing position at a well-known advertising agency, was different. He wanted this job. He'd heard good things about the company culture, a place where creativity was celebrated and employees were encouraged to be their authentic selves. But sitting across from Mr. Rahman, the stern-faced manager, Aaron felt a growing sense of unease.

He tried to lighten the mood with a self-deprecating joke, 'So, I'm here to sell you on the idea that I'm the perfect candidate, even though my resume probably makes me look like a complete amateur.' Mr. Rahman's face remained as impassive as a granite sculpture.

Aaron pressed on, 'I'm not your typical marketing strategist, I'm more of a 'think outside the box' kind of guy. I mean, if you're looking for someone to come up with innovative campaigns that really resonate with people, I think I might be your guy.'

His words seemed to hang in the air, unanswered. The silence stretched, filled only with the hum of the air conditioner that felt more like a forced, artificial breeze against the stifling awkwardness. Mr. Rahman's gaze was like a laser beam, piercing through Aaron's attempts at humor.

A part of Aaron wanted to just throw in the towel. Why bother trying to impress someone who seemed determined to remain unmoved? This was supposed to be a place that valued individuality, not just regurgitate textbook answers. But Aaron had always believed in the power of a good laugh, in breaking down walls with a genuine smile. This was his chance to showcase not just his skills but his personality, his passion.

He took a deep breath, a sudden wave of anger washing over him. 'Are you telling me,' he asked, his voice a little louder than he intended, 'that you want someone who's just going to sit here, all serious and professional, and spout out marketing jargon?'

Mr. Rahman's eyebrows arched, his expression a mix of surprise and annoyance. He leaned forward, his voice low and steady. 'I appreciate levity, Mr. Johnson, but this is a professional interview. We are looking for someone who can demonstrate their capabilities, their professionalism, and their ability to handle pressure.'

The air crackled with tension. Aaron's internal monologue was screaming, 'This guy doesn't get it! Authenticity is key! He's just a stick-in-the-mud, stuck in his own outdated vision of what a 'professional' should be.'

He knew he needed to regain control of the situation. He wouldn't let this interview define him, not when he had so much to offer. Taking another deep breath, Aaron met Mr. Rahman's gaze, a different expression in his eyes now. 'You're right,' he conceded, 'I need to adjust my approach. I'm passionate about marketing, I'm creative, I can handle pressure, and I can deliver results. I just want to connect with you on a human level, you know, make this interview a little less robotic.'

He saw a flicker of something in Mr. Rahman's eyes, a hint of understanding, maybe even a flicker of respect. 'Alright, Mr. Johnson,' Mr. Rahman said, a subtle shift in his tone. 'Let's see what you've got.'

The interview continued, but the atmosphere had changed. Aaron, no longer trying to impress with jokes, focused on showcasing his skills and his enthusiasm. He spoke about innovative campaigns he had helped develop, his vision for the future of marketing, and his ability to work collaboratively. He felt a sense of liberation, letting go of the pressure to fit into a mold that didn't suit him.

He didn't get the job. But he left the interview with a newfound understanding. There would be situations where he needed to adjust his approach, to be more mindful of the context and expectations. He had learned that while authenticity was important, so was the ability to adapt and demonstrate his worth in different ways. And he knew that the next time he walked into an interview, he would be ready, prepared to showcase his skills and personality without compromising his true self.

Previous: Tale 1
Next: Tale 3

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