Home Novelet Seram/Misteri Nang Tani (Bahasa Inggeris)
Nang Tani (Bahasa Inggeris)
Adithya Aryan Arjuna
2/12/2024 11:49:50
Kategori: Novelet
Genre: Seram/Misteri
Bab 3

Chapter 3

             The following morning, Somchai rapped on Tom's door but received no answer. With concern gnawing at him, Somchai cautiously pushed the door open to check on Tom. He feared something may have befallen his friend. To his dismay, Somchai discovered Tom slumped on the bed, looking drained and fatigued, his mind in a fog.

            Somchai inquired about Tom's well-being, concerned by his tired and red eyes. However, Tom remained silent and gazed at Somchai as if he didn't recognize him. This triggered Somchai's anxiety. "Tom, are you feeling alright?" he repeated, but Tom continued to stare blankly.

Somchai began to get worried. He feared the worst had happened. Did Nang Tani actually came to visit Tom last night? His mind began to race into overthinking mode. Instantly he felt a strong regret for giving in to Tom’s suggestion.

“Tom! Tom!,” Somchai called out to his zombie-like friend. Finding still no response coming from Tom, panic began to set in. Somchai took still for a while, staring at Tom, his mind went blank, like the computer screen in screen saver mode. Tears began to gather in his eyes as he watched his friend’s condition. Then, Somchai turned towards the door, intending to get help from his parents.

            Suddenly, Tom burst into boisterous laughter. "You fell for it!" he exclaimed.

            Tom's laughter continued until he felt Somchai's disapproval. Realizing this, Tom expressed regret, saying "I apologize." His apology seemed to alleviate some of Somchai's frustration.

            It took a while for Somchai to realise that his friend had pranked him. Somchai didn’t know whether to cry or to get angry with Tom. It was at this moment that it came back to his mind that this is how Tom is. Memories of the fun they both had during their university days, pranking people and having a good laugh over it flashed in his mind. Somchai thought he knew Tom enough to never fall for his pranks.

            “Ok, you got me, Tom,” Somchai said after he regained his composure.

            Tom got up from his bed and walked towards Somchai. He looked at Somchai for a while before giving him a hug. “I’m sorry mate if I scared you.”

            “OK, that’s enough,” said Somchai, feeling uncomfortable. “So nothing happened last night? She didn’t appear?”

            “All’s well, mate,” Tom replied as he walked back to his bed and began to fold the messy blanket and arranged the pillow.

            "Well, not all banana plants are inhabited by a banana spirit. Come, let's have breakfast, Tom," Somchai invited Tom as they both walked into the kitchen.  "My mother has prepared a delicious morning meal just for you."

            After breakfast, Somchai took Tom on a tour of the village. He proudly showed off his parents' lush vegetable garden before they headed to a nearby stream for fishing. Tom was captivated by the simple yet fulfilling lifestyle of the village. Having spent most of his life in bustling London, where the scenery and culture were vastly different, it was a refreshing change. In the UAE, where he worked, he was surrounded by endless stretches of desert.    

            Tom was incredibly grateful when Somchai invited him to stay and explore his village. Somchai's village was nestled amid a vast oil palm plantation in rural Kedah. Somchai's parents belonged to the ethnic Siamese community, and the village was home to several other Siamese families, as well as a few Malay, Chinese, and Indian families. Tom was astounded by the diversity and peaceful coexistence of the different races in the village.

            "Tell me. Are you and your family of Thai descent?" Tom inquired as they waited for a catch.

            "Actually my father is Siamese. He fell in love with a Chinese girl and married her. We consider ourselves as Siamese, as we are not from Thailand. We were born and bred in Malaysia. Thais are citizens of Thailand. We are Malaysians," Somchai clarified.

            "Oh I see. So you are half-breed,? Tom interjected jokingly.

            Somchai gave his a stare, a death stare that would surely turn the victim into stone, just like the stare of Medusa. But Somchai knew that it was always the behaviour of Tom, always pranking and joking. In response, he gave Tom a soft punch on the shoulder.

“Are there any significant differences between Siamese and Thais?" Tom probed further.

            "Well, there may not be stark contrasts in terms of customs and language, but there are notable disparities in geopolitical identification," Somchai elaborated. "By the way, Tom, did anything eventful occur last night?"  

            Tom told Somchai that he was roused from his slumber at approximately 3:00 in the morning when he sensed a tug on the string. He roused from his bed, but there was no one in sight. Despite his attempts to doze off again, he struggled to find rest as he repeatedly woke up. Somchai acknowledged Tom's explanation with a nod, but in his thoughts, Somchai was filled with concern for Tom. It appeared that Tom was unaware of the grave repercussions of his actions. Somchai experienced a sense of remorse for goading Tom into carrying out the ritual.

            Somchai then abruptly inquired if Tom had removed the nail from the banana blossom. Tom appeared confused and exclaimed, "Oh no! I completely forgot."

            Somchai's expression turned worried as he responded, "In that case, we should extract it upon our return."

            When they finally arrived at Somchai's house, the sun had already set, casting a dusky glow over the landscape. Without delay, they made their way to the cluster of banana trees and extracted the nail with determination. Somchai's countenance visibly relaxed, a look of relief washing over his face. Tom, on the other hand, found amusement in Somchai's previous anxiousness.       

            That night, as the sun set, Somchai and Tom settled onto the porch, coffee mugs in hand. The warm beverage and the cool night air perfectly contrast, creating a cozy ambiance. They sat in comfortable silence, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment. Tom couldn't help but admire the beauty of the bright moon above them. It was as if the universe had conspired to make this evening special. He felt grateful for the opportunity to share it with Somchai, who he had grown to admire and respect.

            Soon, they heard Somchai's mother shouting something in Thai. Tom asked Somchai what his mother shouted about. Somchai replied that his mother called them to eat dinner. Somchai's mother had prepared a pot of delicious tom yam soup with chicken. Then there was the Thai green curry. Tom was hesitant to eat it because of its spiciness. But Tom liked the whole grilled tilapia fish with coriander and a little chili sauce. There was also som tam, a Thai salad dish made of thinly sliced green papaya, cooked shrimp, crab meat, and cashews all smashed together. Somchai's mum left out the spicy Thai chilies because she knew Tom couldn't eat spicy food.

            Upon finishing their meal, they once again found themselves seated on the porch, engaging in lively conversation over cups of coffee. Topics ranged from their university experiences to personal matters and various other subjects. Tom relished the time spent with Somchai during his vacation. As the night grew late, it was time to retirefor the evening. They bid each other goodnight before heading off to their respective bedrooms.

            Tom reclined on the bed, musing about the banana spirit. He pondered whether or not the mystical spirit truly existed. He and Somchai had attempted the summoning ritual the previous night, but it had yielded no results aside from the tugs on the string. Other than that, nothing noteworthy occurred. Tom's curiosity consumed him as he dwelt on the matter. Ultimately, he resolved to perform the ritual once more.

            Tom rose from his bed, glancing at his wristwatch to see the time - 1.00 am. With stealthy steps, he climbed out of his bedroom through the unlocked window. The stillness of the night was only interrupted by the occasional chirping of crickets. As with the previous night, the sky was illuminated by the full moon, casting a soft and calming golden-yellow glow over everything. Guided by the gentle light, Tom made his way effortlessly towards the cluster of banana trees.

            Upon reaching the cluster of trees, he scoured for the one with a banana blossom. Once he located it, he retrieved a nail and string from his pocket and proceeded to puncture the blossom with the nail. Suddenly, a shiver ran down his spine as a gentle breeze brushed past his ears. He had an eerie feeling of being watched. When he turned around, there was no one in sight. Tom dismissed it as his imagination and continued with his task. He securely tied one end of a lengthy string to the nail and to be extra cautious, he used another piece of string to tightly bind the banana blossom. Satisfied with his work, he silently returned to his bedroom. As he had left earlier, he entered through the open window and sat on his bed. Initially, he tied the other end of the string to his toe, but then he changed his mind and fastened it to the railing of his bed. With the task completed, Tom drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Previous: Bab 2
Next: Bab 4

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