Home Novelet Seram/Misteri Nang Tani (Bahasa Inggeris)
Nang Tani (Bahasa Inggeris)
Adithya Aryan Arjuna
2/12/2024 11:49:50
Kategori: Novelet
Genre: Seram/Misteri
Bab 9

A horrifying tableau unfolded before them

            A low, mournfulsob escaped Somchai's mother's lips. The obliteration of her lovingly nurturedgarden had left her heartbroken. With agonizing slowness, she retrieved abroom, its dead brown bristles a stark contrast to the vibrant green life nowshattered beneath her feet. Each sweep was a painful act, punctuated by momentsof desperate hope as she gently rescued fragments of her beloved plants,clinging to the possibility of their miraculous revival.

            Somchai's mother's grief profoundly affected Tom. He understood herdespair stemmed from Nang Tani's vengeful rage; a terrifying power, Tomrealized. The proverb's truth – a woman wronged unleashes unimaginable fury –resonated deeply. Nang Tani's devastation of the plants served as a chillingpremonition: her wrath could easily consume him, and far worse, inflictirreparable harm upon Somchai and his loved ones.

            Terror grippedTom, a vice around his heart. He spun to Somchai, his voice urgent,"Contact Bhikkhu Kang. I'm prepared to proceed with the marriage."Somchai's gaze was incredulous. 

"You're certain?"he asked, his voice laced with disbelief.

Tom's affirmationwas resolute, a single, unwavering nod.

"Absolutely,"he breathed.

            Somchai contactedBhikkhu Kang by phone, their brief Thai exchange heavy with unspoken urgency.He subsequently informed Tom that the monk would return the call. Together,they then assisted Somchai's mother in the arduous task of restoring order tothe ravaged surroundings. Tom observed the woman's profound grief, hercountenance etched with despair. Her misery pierced him; he felt a deep empathyfor her suffering.

            A fortunate ringpierced the air—Somchai's phone, Bhikkhu Kang on the line. Serendipity smiledupon them; Kang's connection, a venerable Sifu Wong, possessed the authority toperform the ceremony, and, astonishingly, his schedule was open. That evening,a blessed visit was promised: Kang and the esteemed Sifu Wong would grace theirpresence.

            As twilightdeepened, Bhikkhu Kang appeared, accompanied by a distinguished Chinese manwhose attire bespoke elegance. Clad in pristine white tunic and impeccablytailored dark trousers, the gentleman, seemingly in his sixties or beyond,possessed a countenance marked by both refinement and age, his dark hair neatlygroomed, his face smoothly shaven.

Somchai and hisfamily received Bhikkhu Kang with the customary reverence, their palms pressedtogether in a gesture of respect, their heads bowed in a silent acknowledgmentof his presence. 

            Bhikkhu then presentedhis esteemed companion, Sifu Wong, to the assembled group. Sifu Wongacknowledged the introduction with a subtle inclination of his head, his gazeinstantly settling upon Tom. 

You, I presume,"he stated, his voice precise, "is the individual confronting significantadversity?"

Tom was startledby Sifu Wong's effortless command of English.

"Indeed, Iam," Tom responded, extending his hand. The powerful clasp of Sifu Wong'shandshake spoke volumes.

Welcomingeveryone inside, Somchai's parents ushered their guests into the heart of theirhome. His father cordially gestured towards the comfortable seating in the livingarea, while his mother, with quiet efficiency, retreated to the kitchen to brewa restorative pot of coffee.

            Sifu Wongcommenced, his voice a low rumble, "Bhikkhu Kang has apprised me of yourdesperate straits, Tom."

Tom's reply wasurgent, "Indeed, and I fervently trust you can intervene."

Sifu Wong'sassurance was calm, yet potent. "Fear not. I shall endeavour to assist.Beyond my abilities as a spiritual conduit – a shaman, as you westerners termit – I possess considerable healing skills."

Tom, profoundlystruck by Sifu Wong's impeccable command of English, felt compelled to expresshis admiration.           

“Your English isvery good, sir,” Tom complimented Sifu Wong.

            With a chuckle, SifuWong reflected, "My education predates the government's eradication ofEnglish-medium schooling, a regrettable shift to Bahasa Melayu instruction. We,the remnants of that era, are a vanishing legacy. Ad, after completing my MCEor Cambridge exam, I went to the UK to study – Edinburgh University."

            Tom's eyeswidened. “Oh,I see. No wonder your English is immaculate,” said Tom. “Do you speak any otherlanguages besides English?”

Sifu Wong smiledknowingly. "Indeed. Besides English, I'm proficient in Bahasa Melayu,Thai, possess a rudimentary grasp of French and Spanish, and, naturally,Mandarin and several Chinese dialects. One might accurately label me amultilingual individual or ‘polyglot’," he explained.

Somchai, everinquisitive, interrupted. "What’s a polyglot? "

            Tom, ever the helpful one,clarified, "It simply means someone who can speak at least three languages.”

            A beam ofself-satisfaction illuminated Somchai's face. "Then I, too, qualify! I'mfluent in Thai, English, and Bahasa Melayu," he declared with justifiablepride.

            “Yes,you are, my friend,” Tom replied and they all laughed. The atmosphere at thatmoment was one of happiness and laughter. The tension that existed earlier had subsided.The aura brought by the presence of Sifu Wong was truly amazing. Sifu Wong'spresence exuded an extraordinary, almost magical charm. His English fluencyrendered Somchai's services as interpreter superfluous.

            At that moment, Tom'sawareness sharpened. Tom noticed the perplexed expressions on Bhikkhu Kang andSomchai's father's faces were unmistakable. Their mystified gazes, clearlyquestioning the source of the mirthful exchange, were not lost on Sifu Wong.Intuiting their bewilderment, he addressed them in the melodic tones ofSiamese. The resulting explanation ignited an infectious wave of laughter,encompassing them all.

            Momentslater, Somchai's mother entered the living room, bearing a laden tray ofsteaming coffee. She gracefully deposited the cups on the coffee table,extending a warm invitation to drink.

After Tom took acontemplative sip, Sifu Wong, with quiet deference, requested, "Might Iexamine your hands?"

Tom readilyassented, extending his palms with open, welcoming hands. Sifu Wong gentlycradled Tom's outstretched hands, his gaze intense, his concentration profound.Athoughtfulsilence ensued, broken only by a low murmur, "Fascinating," hefinally remarked. "And if you please, your birthdate and time—if recalled,of course."

           Tom provided Sifu Wong with his birthdate, though the precise hour remained elusive. Sifu Wong consulted a slim bookletwhich he brought out from his pocket.  Heperforming intricate calculations before declaring, "Remarkable, trulyremarkable."

             Bewilderment clouded Tom's features."Remarkable how?" he inquired; his voice laced with confusion.

             Sifu Wong's gaze held a profound weight."Your life's trajectory," he began, his tone grave, "waspreordained. Escape was impossible, even had you sought it. Your past,inextricably interwoven with your present, dictates your future's unfolding."

            Confusionagain clouded Tom's features. Sifu Wong's words were impenetrable; hisunfamiliarity with Eastern mysticism rendered the Sifu Wong’s enigmaticpronouncements utterly incomprehensible, especially given their cryptic nature.

            "Beyond yourcomprehension?" Sifu Wong inquired, noting Tom's bewildered expression."In the Chinese worldview," he continued, his voice low and resonant,"rebirth—or as you Westerners call it, reincarnation—is an endless,cyclical journey. We traverse this Samsara, this wheel of becoming, until weattain Nirvana, the transcendent state where the cycle ceases. Your experiencewith Nang Tani, Tom, is a haunting echo from a previous existence. The precisedetails elude me, but its karmic imprint is undeniable; this pattern, thisentanglement, will inevitably repeat itself."

            Sifu Wong's wordsonly deepened Tom's bewilderment. "I remain completely confounded,"he confessed.

Sifu Wongresponded calmly, "Lack of comprehension is perfectly acceptable now.However, when the opportune moment arrives, clarity will dawn. Until then, letus concentrate on the immediate circumstances."

        A sound from beyond the dwellingabruptly pierced the stillness. "She has arrived," Sifu Wong stated,his voice steady. "Fear not; her intentions are benign. This visit servesmerely to announce her presence." A collective sigh of relief washed overthose gathered.

            Sifu Wong’s gazebore into Tom. "So, you understand this spectral union is a voluntarycommitment?" Tom's silent nod confirmed his readiness.

"Excellent,"Sifu Wong continued, his voice imbued with gravity. "For such a marriageto thrive, mutual consent is paramount. Furthermore, the ancestral spirits ofboth families must grant their approval. Given Nang Tani's lineage remainsunknown, and your own family resides at a considerable distance, we must employingenuity. I propose approaching Somchai's parents; I will seek their blessingto act as your spiritual guardians, adopting you as their godson. Their consentwill then sanctify the union."

Turning toSomchai's parents, Sifu Wong addressed them in fluent Siamese. A conciseexchange ensued, culminating in a knowing, satisfied smile gracing his lips.

            “Excellent! Their assent is secured. The ratification ritual follows, atask I shall personally oversee. Your sole responsibility is unwaveringcompliance with my directives," Sifu Wong declared. All this while,Bhikkhu Kang who has been silent, suddenly spoke.

            "Excellent! Bhikkhu Kang will also intone sacred chants for yourwell-being, offering blessings for your journey." Sifu Wong declared afterlistening to what Bhikku Kang had to say.

Tom's voice cut through the air. "Forgive my inquiry, but..."

Sifu Wong's countenance remained serene, a mirror to a tranquil lake."Speak freely, my friend."

Tom's query carried a note of apprehension. "This spectral union,conducted according to ancient Chinese traditions, will it truly succeed, givenmy English heritage, and the Siamese origins of Nang Tani and Somchai'sparents?"

A gentle smile played on Sifu Wong's lips. "Rest assured," hesaid, his voice imbued with comforting wisdom. "The efficacy of the ritualhinges not on ethnicity or linguistic nuance, but on the profound sincerity ofyour intentions. Genuine love and heartfelt devotion are the potent catalysts,transcending all cultural boundaries."

Tom's assentmirrored Sifu Wong's own conviction. Observing Tom's newfound certainty, SifuWong, resolute, initiated the inaugural rite. He directed Somchai to positiontwo seats at the far end, oriented towards the entrance. He then requestedSomchai's mother to provide two cups of tea – Chinese if available, otherwise,a simple infusion would suffice. He subsequently guided Somchai's parents to beseated. A sudden, chilling draft, emanating from the doorway, swept through theroom. Sifu Wong's gaze settled upon the entrance; a knowing smile touched hislips. "Her contentment," he declared, "is profound."

Suddenly, withoutsaying a word, Sifu Wong departed, his silhouette vanishing toward the bananagrove. There, amidst the rustling leaves, he remained immersed in profoundcontemplation. Moments later, he returned, his countenance radiant with atriumphant serenity. "A momentous exchange transpired with NangTani," Sifu Wong declared, his voice resonating with quiet power."She has relented, her pledge secured. Tom's demise will not be hastened;he is granted the natural course of life, to succumb to time's inevitableembrace."

Tom felt animmense weight lifted from his shoulders after hearing Sifu Wong’s announcement.His life, previously teetering on the precipice, was now secure.

"Excellent,"declared Sifu Wong, his voice sharp with authority. He began delegating taskswith practiced efficiency. He requested Bhikkhu Kang to dismantle theprotective shield encircling the dwelling, thus allowing Nang Tani unimpededaccess for the sacred rite. Rising with deliberate grace, Bhikkhu Kang moved tothe threshold, his murmured incantations weaving a mystical path around thehouse. Returning to the room, he resumed his seat, the steam from his coffee afragrant counterpoint to the palpable tension, his gaze calmly surveying thepreparations.

Amidst the frenetic bustle of preparations, a startling sight seizedTom's attention: a ghostly swirl of white mist erupted from the banana grove,drifting ominously towards him. He scanned the faces around him, searching fora shared recognition of this uncanny event, but found only obliviousness. Then,a chilling sensation – a spectral hand, it felt like, settled upon hisshoulder. He recoiled, a jolt of primal fear coursing through him.

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