Home Novel Lucu 9903 is My Password Hint
9903 is My Password Hint
Kid Haider
26/1/2025 12:46:34
Kategori: Novel
Genre: Lucu
Day 1

Day 1: New Year, Same Old Budget (or Maybe Not?)

1 January. The first day of the year, and I’m already feeling like I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. The house is still a bit chaotic from our recent holiday in Langkawi—sand in the corners, suitcases still half-unpacked, and the kids’ excitement from the trip lingering in the air. Wafi (10) and Amy (7) are already squabbling over who gets the last piece of leftover pizza, as if it were some kind of treasure. And here I am, trying to get my head straight, ready to finally get my life together this year. New goals, new resolutions, and hopefully fewer moments where I lose my temper—I'm not proud of the fact that last year, I definitely reached my limit once or twice.

Speaking of resolutions… we all know how this goes. Last year, I said I’d "organize my finances"—and while I tried, my idea of organization mostly meant "shove everything into a drawer and pray for the best." That lasted until February when I had to spend my entire month’s budget replacing my laptop after the kids treated it like a work of art in a slime exhibit. So here we are again—resolution number one: “Get my finances together.” Maybe this year will be different. InshaAllah.

Work is already back to its usual grind, and the year’s budget forecast is making me question whether my math skills are on par with a toddler’s (I swear, the numbers aren’t adding up, no matter how many times I check). More “synergy” and “optimization” meetings are on the horizon (honestly, if I hear the word synergy one more time, I’m going to lose it). But I’m not complaining—at the end of the day, work is a blessing, and I do my best to navigate it with sincerity. Bismillah—whatever happens, I’ll find a way through it.

The holiday in Langkawi was a nice escape. It was a much-needed breather for the family. Dania (36) and I got a chance to relax while the kids enjoyed the beach and all the usual island activities—swimming, sandcastle-building, and testing out the limits of sunscreen. It was nice to be together without the usual distractions of work and life. Of course, the usual dad duties were there—keeping track of the kids, making sure no one gets sunburned, and avoiding the "Why can't we stay longer?" tantrums when it was time to leave. But overall, it was a good time.

Back home, the kids are already on their own missions for 2025. Wafi has resolved to "beat Dad at Mario Kart every day" (and honestly, they’re getting better, so I’m kind of worried about my champion status), while Amy has boldly declared this the year of “no more vegetables” (a sentiment I strongly disagree with, but hey, it’s their choice, right?).

As for Dania and me, we’ve already had our first disagreement of the year about whether we should take down the decorations. I, of course, am on the "leave it up forever" team (I’m sentimental, okay?). But at the end of the day, it’s not the decorations that matter—it’s the family. Time moves so quickly. I’m turning 39 this year—39, subhanAllah. I don’t know how that happened, but here I am, still figuring it all out. Some days I feel like I have everything together, and other days, I feel like I’m just trying to keep my head above water. But I know that whatever happens, Allah will guide me through it.

And with that, I’m off to tackle the budget and make sure the kids don’t start any more pizza wars. Alhamdulillah for this family, for this life. Here's to a year of blessings, growth, and maybe—just maybe—keeping the budget balanced for once.

Happy New Year, inshaAllah.

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