Home Novel Lucu 9903 is My Password Hint
9903 is My Password Hint
Kid Haider
26/1/2025 12:46:34
Kategori: Novel
Genre: Lucu
Day 5

Day 5 - January 5: The Big 3-9

Well, here we are. 39. I keep telling myself it’s just one more year until I hit 40, but man, it feels different today. Woke up, stared at my reflection, and honestly, I don't feel much different. In my mind, I’m still 25, energetic, living the dream. But then, I tried to bend down to tie my shoelaces and... pop. My back made a noise I didn’t even know was possible. No, I’m not 25 anymore.

The gray hairs are also becoming a serious thing. They’re multiplying like rabbits, creeping into places I never imagined—like the sideburns. No big deal, right? Just embrace the "distinguished" look, but there’s only so much I can do before I start resembling the dad in those old-school TV commercials for hair dye.

It’s funny how the body’s recovery time is now like waiting for a software update—longer, and the more it happens, the slower it gets. My Netflix binging last night used to feel like a late-night treat. Now, I need a recovery day after an episode of The Crown. I’m probably over-exaggerating, but my body definitely needs more time to process everything, including the ice cream I devoured last night.

I was reflecting on my twenties and how I thought I had everything figured out. My biggest worries back then were which concert tickets to buy, where to hang out on weekends, and how many drinks I could have before calling it a night. Now? I’m budgeting for school fees, planning for retirement, and dealing with family emergencies that involve things like the washing machine breaking down.

But you know what? Even though the body isn’t the same, there’s something comforting about this age. You’re not naïve anymore, but you’re not fully disillusioned either. It’s like the perfect blend of wisdom and... well, trying to make sure my kids don’t spend their entire savings on that video game console they "just have to have." I’m definitely more prepared for what comes next—financially, emotionally, and even mentally.

But if I could go back in time, I would definitely give my 25-year-old self a good talking-to. "Get it together, man! Start saving, stop binging on junk food, and don't let your back seize up when you tie your shoes."

As for today, I’m just going to keep pretending I’m 25 while popping an extra Panadol.

Previous: Day 3-4
Next: Day 6

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