Home Puisi Kisah Hidup The truth
The truth
7/2/2019 12:39:21
Kategori: Puisi
Genre: Kisah Hidup

I tell them I am okay
But the truth is I am not okay
I'm in pain
I am hand in hand with my depression

I always apologise for my feelings
Then I wish it was just as simple as that
I know I'm hard to deal with
Like I'm out of my mind but I'm feeling just fine

They don't understand it
Because I always fake it
The smile on my face I meant

I have been told that I could take something to fix it
But the truth is it only helps me to sleep at night
And stop hearing and seeing the things that didn't exist

I can't carry this anymore
The pain doesn't subside

I lost people around me
That once promised to stay
Leave me alone
Because they can't recognise me anymore
And I am a person that hard to deal with

Until I keep questions myself
Who am I?
Until I break apart

This war with myself
Seems like it will never end
If I'm not hurting myself I'm hurting everyone around me
And the only way to stop it
By stopping my beating heart

One thing you should know
I try my best
I work really hard
But it seems like
I'm at the end of my rope
And it seems like
I already lost
Should I just end it
Or should I just continue to feel the pain?

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