Home Novel Thriller/Aksi Memories Untold
Memories Untold
8/7/2021 20:45:47
Kategori: Novel
Genre: Thriller/Aksi
Senarai Bab
The 3

The one with the descerning scent

"ARE you okay?" asked the guy in the light blue hoodie.

Seher just nodded, thing she could do better at now. 

But that didn't stop the guy from getting out of his jeep, walking handsomely towards her. With a dimmed light from the jeep accompanying his background like a proper runway show, Seher was trying her best to not freak out. 

This man could easily be dangerous, harmful or just a nice person offering a help. 

They still had locked staring for God knew how long the time had passed as for Seher it felt like a lifetime had been taken out of her. Little by little, he was nearing and Seher couldn't breathe properly. Not like she was before as it was suffocating enough but this was a different kind of breathe-less. The one that she might want to keep feeling for the rest of her life.

What was happening here? She thought. 

"Are you okay?" he repeated. 

Struggling hard to find her voice, she finally breathed out, "I'm fine."

"What happened?"

You - You happened, was what she almost blurted out. 

She was lucky her brain still worked fast enough to spare her the embarrassment. 

"Uhm, ran out of gas. But it's okay, help is on the way."

She would make up any lie just to drive him away. Because he could be dangerous, harmful, a criminal, or a sick psycho -

"Okay, I'll wait here," said the guy, unexpectedly. 

"What? Why?"

"Until the help arrives," as if his brief explanation was enough. 

"No, no , no, don't bother."

"It's okay. If you're uncomfortable we can wait in each other's car. I just wanna make sure your problem is being taken care of."


Well that felt nice, Seher thought to herself.

But she was selfless too. Bothering a stranger was not her favourite. 

"No, really, I can handle this on my own. Feel free to pass me."

Except she knew she couldn't handle this on her own. Her phone was dying. She didn't know where she was at the moment. The least help she could welcome right now was a free phone call. But being stubborn and proud were part of her forte too. At least for now.

"Okay, if you insisted," said the guy, making Seher slightly disappointed. 

"Give me your phone," he continued, letting Seher to be taken aback a little. 

"Is this an obvious robbery?" she asked.

"Would I ask kindly if it was?" with that, he smiled bright and wide. For the countless time, she couldn't feel her heartbeat anymore.

"But what for?"

"Let me key in my phone number. You can call me to update about your help. So I won't get worried." 

Oh well. If that was the only way to drive him away, Seher was ready to walk further to the driving seat to fetch her phone. Until she forgot her skirt was still in trouble and if she walked further she might destroy one of her sister's favourite. 

She tried to hide the trouble from this guy whom couldn't let her catch a breath even a little. 

"How about I read you my number instead?" she suggested. 

He agreed instantly. Pulling out his phone from the pocket of the jeans which did his figure a lot of justice, he asked for the number. He pressed the dial and put the phone near to his hearing. 

His wrinkled expression could explain only one thing -

"Went straight to voicemail," he said.

So it did die finally, Seher thought. 

"Right. Maybe the poor reception."

"Give me the help number. I'll wait here. They can call me if they can't reach you."

For once, Seher did not want to just nod and agree. She wanted to fight back. Eventhough it was stupid because she did need help. But once, in front of this stranger guy here, she wanted to appear strong. Not just a damsel in distress waiting for a prince to be saved.

"I know you're a strong woman yourself. But accepting help doesn't make you any weaker." 

That, right there was just what she needed to hear. 


YAMAN could tell she was an independent strong woman herself. If only he could explain why he was insisting to help, this might go along easier but he couldn't. 

He just knew if he didn't make sure this lady in green here was safe and sound, he couldn't rest for the rest of the night.

He was trying to save himself from the misery rather than being a romeo to the rescue. 

For some odd reason, he wanted to stay. Just be here, keep her company. There was a strong pull from her at the first glance while she was bending forward.

Yaman rarely found any woman attractive wroth a second glance but this lady in green here did catch his attention in details. Her dark hazel straight hair which he personally think would look prettier in curls - not that now she was not pretty at all - she was mesmerizing. The green eyes looked like a small ocean only for him. Her petite figure but standing firm and strong to portray her confidence was attractive enough for Yaman to spend the remaining night just here. 

Somehow she looked uncomfortable standing slightly leaning towards the trunk. When Yaman tried to take a step closer, it seemed like she would take two steps back so he stayed. 

"I've got no help coming," she confessed. 

Which Yaman had predicted. This was a deserted area. She looked like someone whom didn't belong here hence the only help she was referring to could probably come from the city which was miles away. 

But no help was coming, apparently.

"I couldn't call any help cause my phone is dead. If you could allow me to make one phone call, I promise I won't be in your way." 

Yamam tilted his head and gave that slight smile just to calm her down as if it was his responsibility to let her find peace in the middle of this problem.

"I'll get someone to come, don't worry," he said, reassuring. 

And please let her be in my way always, he added to his thoughts. 

A brief phone call had been made and she was promised a help in twenty minutes tops. 

Yaman asked if she would like to charge her phone in his jeep and she was delighted. For the first time her face was brightening with wide smile and Yaman was struck by an invisible lightning. 

In a split second she was walking forward to fetch her phone in the driving seat, she fell into his arms instead of hitting the floor face first. 

Yaman couldn't be bothered to find the cause of this sudden fall but he was glad it happened anyway. Because he was able to breath for the very first time. A different kind of breathing the discerning scent of her hair, having her face buried on his chest, both arms encircled around her waist to keep her stable. 

Time didn't pass at all. He was frozen and he wanted to be so. 

Probably after a significant period of time, he collected the courage to mutter, "Are you okay?" for the zillionth time tonight. 

"...yeah..." She pushed herself away, bringing Yaman back to earth. 

Yaman couldn't tell if she was feeling the same unusual thing as she was hiding her face from the hair covering forward while her eyes were looking downwards. 

She mumbled something between, "My skirt." or "My shirt." only to make Yaman realised that her skirt had been torn apart too far almost revealing. 

He did not feel embarrassed to keep looking but he hated the fact if someone else was looking too. That would be wrong as he would like to have this privilege to himself alone maybe somewhere in the future. 

He took off his hoodie instantly. Wrapped it around her bum from behind to forward and made a little knot around her waist with it. 

She thanked him properly for the gesture and it did not feel like the first time at all. 

What just happened here? He thought. 

Previous: The Two
Next: The 4

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