Home Buku Lucu Aiman’s Aromatic Ramadan
Aiman’s Aromatic Ramadan
Kid Haider
15/2/2025 01:03:22
Kategori: Buku
Genre: Lucu
Senarai Bab


The end of the school year usually means freedom: a break from textbooks, exams, and early mornings. But for Aiman, the holiday begins with flour-covered hands and the aroma of freshly baked cookies. With his parents’ bakery, Sweet Aroma, in full swing, his days of lazing around and playing Final Fantasy on his PlayStation have been replaced with mixing batter, stacking kuih into jars, and fasting through the smell of pastries.

As Ramadan unfolds, Aiman juggles the demands of the bakery, interactions with customers, and the suspense of waiting for his PMR results. Between unexpected friendships, cultural discoveries, and lessons learned in the kitchen, this will be a holiday he’ll never forget.

Next: Chap 1

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