Home Buku Kanak-kanak Malaysian Folktales (Translated by Kid Haider)
Malaysian Folktales (Translated by Kid Haider)
Kid Haider
29/4/2024 23:23:37
Kategori: Buku
Genre: Kanak-kanak
Tale 6

Kong Zhi Asked a Little Boy for Guidance.

Translated by: Khidir M. Yazir / Kid Haider

     Kong Zhi, a renowned writer and thinker from ancient times, found himself in a bit of a pickle one day. He and his disciples were cruising along in a horse-drawn carriage when they came across a mischievous six-year-old boy playing in the middle of the road. Kong Zhi's disciple tried to shoo the boy away, but the little rascal stood his ground.

     The boy pointed out that there was a stone city in their path, and suggested they find another way around. Kong Zhi's disciple chuckled at the boy's audacity and demanded he move. But the boy stood firm, challenging them to consider whether the city should yield to their carriage or vice versa.

     Intrigued by the boy's wit, Kong Zhi decided to engage with him. He acknowledged the boy's point but explained they were in a hurry. The boy proposed a deal - if Kong Zhi could answer his questions, he would clear a path for them. Kong Zhi, always up for a challenge, agreed to the boy's terms.

     The little boy pointed to the sky and asked, "Can we see the stars in the sky? How many stars are there?" Kong Zhi replied, "There are too many stars in the sky. How can we count them?"

     The little boy continued, "There are many stars in the sky, but only one sun. In the morning, the sun is large, but in the afternoon, it's small. Do you know when the sun is closest and farthest from us?" Kong Zhi was surprised by the question and thought for a moment before admitting, "I'm sorry, even though I know a lot, I don't know everything. Can you teach me?" The little boy appreciated Kong Zhi's humility and stepped aside.

     After that incident, Kong Zhi made it a point to teach his students to be honest about what they knew and not pretend to know things they didn't. He emphasised the importance of seeking guidance from those who had knowledge, as knowledge knows no bounds.

Previous: Tale 5
Next: Tale 7

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