Home Buku Kisah Hidup Just for the Record (Author : Kid Haidér)
Just for the Record (Author : Kid Haidér)
Kid Haider
18/6/2024 11:44:50
Kategori: Buku
Genre: Kisah Hidup
Tale 14


Damien sat at his desk, staring out the window of his cubicle at the bustling streets of Kuala Lumpur. The familiar cacophony of honking horns, construction noise, and chatter seemed to echo the turmoil inside him. He was stuck in a rut, his life a monotonous cycle of spreadsheets and meetings. He longed for something more, a purpose beyond the confines of his bank job.


His boss's words from that morning's meeting echoed in his mind. "Damien, you're a bright young man. You have potential. But you're not pushing yourself. You need to be more assertive."


The words were meant to be encouraging, but they only fueled Damien's frustration. He had tried to be assertive, to push for a promotion, but his efforts were met with indifference. He felt invisible, his contributions unnoticed. He was starting to question if he was even cut out for this life.


That evening, as he walked home from work, a street vendor's cart caught his eye. A man, his face wrinkled with age, was selling nasi lemak, a fragrant rice dish wrapped in banana leaves. The aroma was intoxicating. Damien, exhausted and hungry, decided to indulge.


As he sat down, the vendor, a man named Ahmad, struck up a conversation. "You look troubled, young man," he said, his eyes twinkling with wisdom.


Damien hesitated before confiding in the stranger. He spoke of his job, his feeling of being stuck, of his desire for something more. Ahmad listened patiently, nodding occasionally.


"You see," Ahmad began, after Damien finished, "life is like the nasi lemak. Each ingredient – the rice, the sambal, the anchovies, all play a part in making it delicious. But you don't always see how they all come together. Just like you, you are part of a larger picture, a bigger plan."


Damien was taken aback. "What do you mean?"


"God has a plan for you, young man," Ahmad smiled. "He is working, even when you don't feel it. Maybe it's not what you expected, but trust me, there's a reason for it. Even the most difficult things in your life, they are all part of the recipe."


Damien was skeptical. He had never been a religious man, but he was intrigued. He thanked Ahmad and went on his way, the vendor's words lingering in his mind.


Days turned into weeks, and Damien found himself thinking about Ahmad's words. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to change, that the universe was conspiring in some way.


One morning, Damien received an unexpected call. A headhunter had been impressed by his work on a recent project and offered him a position at a new, innovative tech company. The salary was significantly higher, and the work involved challenges he hadn't even dreamed of.


Damien was hesitant at first. He had always been comfortable in his routine, fearful of venturing out into the unknown. But then he remembered Ahmad's words. He took a leap of faith and accepted the offer.


Leaving his old job was bittersweet. There was a sense of relief, finally breaking free from the monotony, but also a pang of sadness for the familiar. But as he walked out of the bank for the last time, the sun shining brightly on the Kuala Lumpur skyline, he felt a strange sense of peace.


The new job was demanding, challenging him in ways he never imagined. It was a far cry from the spreadsheets and meetings, but he thrived on the adrenaline rush. He learned new skills, met new people, and felt a renewed sense of purpose. Every day, he felt like he was contributing to something bigger than himself.


One rainy afternoon, Damien found himself walking past the same street vendor where he had met Ahmad. He decided to stop, curious to see if the old man was still there.


Ahmad was indeed there, his cart covered with a plastic sheet against the downpour. Damien approached him, a smile on his face.


"You were right," he said, "Everything happens for a reason."


Ahmad nodded, his eyes full of understanding. "You see, young man," he said, "life is like a journey. Sometimes you take a detour, but it leads you to a better destination. God's plan is not always clear, but you have to trust that He knows what He's doing."


Damien walked away feeling a sense of gratitude. He had finally understood. It wasn't about the path he took, but the journey itself. He was no longer searching for meaning, he was creating it, step by step, with every challenge he overcame. He was finally living his life, guided by a trust in the mysterious ways of God. And he knew, with a certainty that resonated deep within him, that he was exactly where he was supposed to be.

Previous: Tale 13
Next: Tale 15

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