Home Alternatif Kisah Hidup SCRAP PAPERS
19/12/2020 00:00:20
Kategori: Alternatif
Genre: Kisah Hidup
Senarai Bab

It's funny.

When all those memories flew back to me nonstop. 

It's funny.

Because it was hurtful when I was eight, 

Or when I was 12,

Or when I was 15,

and funny enough.

It's still hurting after 20.

It was raining, late evening, when the sun almost set.

Everyone was bustling to go home,

But I was stuck in front of the school gate, 

Watching everyone with keen eyes,

With umbrella above their head,

And warm smiles of someone waiting for them.

Rain was pouring hard,

I was drenched.

And something inside me broke.

"Ah.. I am alone."

It was quiet that morning,

My mind was quiet.

After I heard what they talk behind my back,

Like I was less of a human,

Like I was a doll with no feelings,

Because I refused to show my anger nor sadness to them.

And something inside me broke again,

"Ah.. Who should I tell all those heartbreaking words?"

It was late at night when I'm unable to sleep.

I can't shake all those thoughts.

They said I did something bad. 

And they told me how bad it was,

And they cursed me continuously,

Like I was worthless to live.

But I never did all that. 

And I knew who did it.

But no one really asked me whether it's true or it's false.

No one really cares. Whether I'm okay or not.

Whether their words kill me or not.

No one really cares.

And I lost my chance to defend myself.

A chance they never give me. 

I got first place on my exam.

I got 3rd place in math competition. 

I was standing in the middle for my choir performance. 

I got first place in high jump and 100m. 

And something broke deeply inside of me,

"Ah.. Whom should I share all this happiness?"

It's funny enough. 

And I'm still laughing with tears,

Everytime it reminded me of my broken sound.

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